2016-01-20 23663
1.     大企业董事长、总裁、总经理、总裁助理  2.     政府事务部总监、高管  3.     工作中与政府人员有交集的销售部人员
无论是已经在路上的外企、民企还是政企关系更复杂的国企,在政企大客户2.0时代,都急需解决以下问题:     - 中国官场文化、游戏规则和政
新形势下企业政府公关与沟通技巧实操分享 盛邀中国讲解企业政府关系最有水平、经验的吴讲师,进行深度分享。过去2年吴老师辅导过的学员已经涵盖超过30%的500强企业 上海4月10-11日,北京4月15-16日,标准价格:2天课程6000 RMB/person,3人同时报名享9折优惠 主办方:中 仕企业学院 www.chinacpd.com培训不满意可茶歇时离席,我们全额退款 [Training Background 课程介绍] 中央打老虎截止今日,19位省部官员被查,31名国企高管落马,各地方查处的问题官员更不胜枚举。中国的官风正在微妙变化!你是否知道知晓具体变化?你是否真的知道你今天所要打交道的官员心态和思维模式?你是否反思过你公司政商关系的旧模式、旧方法也许已不合时宜?你又是否知道除了最没有水平的‘贿赂’以外,其他的与政府人员打交道的方式? 无论是已经在路上的外企、民企还是政企关系更复杂的国企,在政企大客户2.0时代,都急需解决以下问题:  - 中国官场文化、游戏规则和政商关系如何解读?  - 官场也是江湖,政府官员天天在想什么?干什么?  - 把控政绩诉求、控制风险并取得政企双赢,如何创造政府客户价值?  - 企业如何争取政府资源并达成相互合作与信任?  - 如何制定企业公关战略?如何实施?其中有哪些关键步骤和要点? 本课程正是在以上问题的基础上,经过国内外顶级企业的实践和升华所形成。课程实践性极强,不仅学到成功操盘的技能和经验,更重要的是,怎样举一反三迅速应用到实际工作,不仅告诉您怎么干,还能告诉你复制的模式,这也就是很多人怎么从优秀到卓越、很多公司从优秀到伟大的真谛和方法! 中 仕企业学院此次有幸邀请到重量级讲师吴老师,曾任远大空调高级副总裁、海尔集团全国政府事务培训总监、PERA GLOBAL 政府公关总监。吴老师熟悉中国纷繁复杂的政府组织结构和体系分工,深谙政府各级部门以及学协会的内部关系,精通政府各级人员与企业打交道时的心理。将在此次培训为您全面理清与政府沟通的工作思路,掌握大师级经验和规律,工作效率得到质的提升。 In China, when you want to have long-term sustainable development, especially transnational enterprises or private enterprise, you must have the good ability of government public relations. The successful government public relations could help business half the work with double results. The useful government public relations could push business development to faster in the right way. On the contrary, the enterprises will easily face crowning calamity if they do not have the good government public relations, in China. Examples of this meet the eye everywhere. China Professionals Academy is honored to invite Mr. Wu, the heavy weight lecturer, who has served as senior vice president of Broad Air Conditioning, Haier Group National Government Affairs Director, PERA GLOBAL, and Director of Government Relations. Mr. Wu is familiar with the division of government structure and system of Chinese complex. He is skilled in the internal relationship between government departments at all levels and the academic association, and he is good at government personnel at all levels and enterprises deal with the psychological. In this training, you will fully understand the work train of thoughts of the communication with the government; you will grasp master experience and rules, and improve your work efficiency. [Who Should Attend 谁必须参加?] 适合参加的企业类型: 1. 上规模的大企业——因为只要上了规模的企业,政府关系都是公司的A类重要事务 2. 处于政府管控很深的行业内企业——一个游戏规则的洗牌,企业便面临灭顶之灾 3. 外资企业——国外是商道为天,中国则完全不一样! 适合参加的人员: 1. 大企业董事长、总裁、总经理、总裁助理 2. 政府事务部总监、高管 3. 工作中与政府人员有交集的销售部人员、市场部人员、法务部、税务部人员、人力资源部人员、政府事务部、公共关系部 [Highlights 课程特点] 系统性:本课程系统介绍了政府职能部门公关与政企客户关系搭建的方法论和实务环节,涵括政企关系和人脉关系以及公关团队的搭建和维护,完全形成对各级政府公关与政府背景大项目营销的系统覆盖; 严谨性:作为多家领袖级企业总裁级高管,吴老师亲手创新了营销模式以及赫赫业绩和多个行业政府公关纪录。大量的实战经验结合最先进的方法论,经过千锤百炼,原创研发了系列课程。 针对性:专门针对企业在职人员学习的需求和成人教育特点,课程大量采用特色讲授、亲身实景案例、现场角色扮演等形式,注重方法论与企业实务相结合,强调学员心得交流及经验分享,非常适合于企业决策层和关键岗位执行层参考。 实践性: 作为20年职业生涯的总裁经理人,所授课程全部来自一线原创, 直击操作实务,着重解决实操力。所用案例全部原创、独一无二的!尤其注重案例分析和现场答疑,以极强的实战性和可操作性闻名培训界和企业界。 [Training Content 培训内容] 模块一:官场文化及潜规则 第一单元 如何正确看待与处理中国政商关系? “政商关系”----“0”和“1”的游戏? 正确处理政商关系长期以来是对中国企业最大、最复杂的挑战之一。 中国各级政府的特点习惯与国外有哪些不同? 如何成功的与政府打交道,争取到政府的支持? 如何建设和规范企业政府公关管理机制? 如何提升专业人员的技能水平? 如何制定政府公关战略?如何实施?其中有哪些关键原则和技巧 第二单元 官场规则及官场文化解读  政府以及职能部门运作程序解读 政府客户的核心利益和风险; 官场江湖游戏规则和官场文化; 政府官员的显形需求和隐性需求; 政府官员的处世原则和处事方法 政府官员天天在想什么?干什么? 透视官员四象限与四难处; 官场江湖,注意“天官”; 政府决策流程图图解: 官场最大禁忌:淡定从容,避开“雷区”。 第三单元 如何成为政府公共事务专家? 驾驭官场风向 在浪尖上跳舞 政府公关经理政治觉悟怎么积累?如何培养? 如何长期交往和持续突破政府官员? 政府行业营销基础工作; 做人--------平等是怎么做到的?真正的朋友如何形成? 做事--------工作上怎么做?如何真正创造政府客户价值? 模块二:政府公关实战技巧 第四单元 政府公关策略 如何同政府以及职能部门建立关系? 企业和政府应当建立什么样的关系?  政府公关究竟攻关什么?怎么公关? 企业政府公关的四大目标 政府背景客户攻关的特殊营销模式 同政府建立起相互信任、彼此共赢的合作关系; 第五单元 政府公关流程及技巧 政府公关之N种切入方案 战略清楚、战术到位、攻坚得力的公关过程 政企沟通管道的通路搭建 政府公关总监的自身素养提升路径; 模拟实战演练:如何敲开政府的大门? 公关不是搞腐败,送礼也要有技巧; 如何邀请官员出席宴会、宴会座位安排、宴会气氛如何调节; 企业接待政府访团的流程设计和操作技巧; 如何在不同场合谈工作,办公室内外不同的谈话如何进行? 第六单元 案例讨论  政府公关项目实战全流程剖析; 争取政府资源、优惠政策、政府项目订单,营销方法和常规销售的最大不同。 Part1: The Officialdom culture and hidden rules The first unit: How to correctly treat Chinese government-business relation? 1. ‘Business-government relationship’----the game of‘0’and‘1’? 2. Correctly treat business-government relationship is one of the most important and complex challenge. 3. What are the different habits between all levels of Chinese government and other countries? 4. How to successfully deal with government and win the support of the government? 5. How to build and standardize the business of government public relations management mechanism? 6. How to improve the professional skill level? 7. How to formulate the strategy of government public relations? How to implement? What are the key principles and techniques in this? The second unit The rule of official circles and unscramble the culture of officialdom 1. Unscramble operation procedure of the government and the functions of the Department. 2. Government customers' core interests and risk. 3. The rule of official circles and the officialdom culture. 4. Government officials' explicit demand and implicit demand. 5. Government officials principles and ways of dealing with things. 6. What are the government officials think about? What are they doing? 7. To analyses officials' four quadrant and difficulties. 8. Be cautious in the official circles. 9. The government decision-making process diagram. 10. The biggest taboo of officialdom: poised, and avoid minefields. The third unit How to become a public affairs specialist? 1. Control the official circles. 2. How to accumulate the political consciousness of Manager Government Relations? 3. How to keep the long-term relationship with the officials? 4. The basic work of government industry marketing. 5. Conduct oneself------ How to do equality? How to form the true friends? 6. Behaving------How to do in work? How to create the governmental customer value? Part 2: The actual combat skills of the government public relations The fourth unit Strategy of government public relations 1. How to build up the relationship with government and functional department? 2. What kind of relationship between government and enterprise should establish? 3. How to deal with the government public relations? 4. Four major goals of the government public relations. 5. The special marketing mode of the customer with governmental background. 6. To establish the partnership with government which trust each other. The fifth unit The procedure and skill of the strategy of government public relations 1. Various schemes to deal with the government PR. 2. The clearly public relations’ strategy. 3. Create the ways of communications between government and enterprises. 4. The path of ascension diathesis of government relations' director. 5. Simulation exercises: How to open the government's door? 6. PR is not corruption, Gifts need the skills. 7. How to invite officials attended the banquet, Banquet seating arrangements, How to adjust the party atmosphere. 8. The process design and operation skill for receiving government delegations. 9. How to negotiate on different place? How to proceed the negotiation outside and inside of the Office The sixth unit Case discussion 1. Government public relations project whole process analysis. 2. Strive for government resources, preferential policies, the government projects orders, marketing are difference with conventional selling. [Reminder 培训要点] 众所周知,政府公关是一个非常非常大的课题,此次两天的培训内容,主要是20年政府公关经验的吴老师,通过自身经历过的一个又一个案例,把实操经验分享给学员,起一个点醒作用,帮助学员在很多实操的点上“开窍”
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