2016-01-20 24872
课程提纲 Course Outline: 一、 岗位分析与职位描述 Job analysis and position description 1. “受冷落”的岗位分析 Position analysis of ‘Left out’ 2. 必须有的职位描述 Must-need position description 1) 为什么职位描述如此重要? Why the position description is so important? 2) 职位描述应包括哪些主要内容? What kind of contents should be included in the position description? 3) 职位描述属于规章制度还是劳动合同附件? Is the position description belong to regulation or attachment of labor contract? 4) 职位描述是否必须经过签收? Is the position description must need to be signed for? 5) 如果有关职位描述没有被签收应当如何处理? How to deal with the case if the position description hasn’t been signed for? 二、 招聘与面试 Recruitment and Interview 1. 关于内部招聘 Regarding to the internal recruitment 2. 常见外部招聘途径 Common external recruitment channel 1) 平面或电子媒体(兼论招聘广告撰写的注意事项) Print media or electronic medies (including talking about written precautions of recruitment advertisement 2) 猎头 Headhunter 3) 实习生 Intern 4) 校园招聘 Campus recruiting 3. 面试要点 Points of interview 1) 职位申请表 Position application form 2) 面试问题雷区 Interview Questions minefield 3) 面试中的测评 Evaluation in recruitment 4. 就业歧视 Employment discrimination 1) 常见就业歧视 Common employment discrimination 2) 就业歧视的法律责任 Employment discrimination liability 三、 劳动合同签订与入职安排 The labor contract signing the entry arrangements 1. 单方录用信 Unilateral recruitment letter 1) 录用信法律地位在劳动法领域的缺失 Lose of the legal status of the missing letter in hiring the field of labor law 2) 录用信的撤销 Recruitment letter revocation 2. 劳动合同签订事宜 Labor contract signing issues 1) 合同期限与雇佣种类之匹配 Match the contract period and the employment type 2) 关于无固定期限合同的签订 Signed on a non-fixed term contract 3) 双倍工资罚则及事实劳动关系的处理 Treatment of the double wages penalties and the fact that labor relations 4) 劳动合同签订中的欺诈和胁迫 Labor contract fraud and coercion 3. 入职流程 Entry procedure 1) 形式化的入职教育 Formalized entry Education 2) 社保缴纳地的审慎考量 Serious consideration on social security contributions 3) 双重劳动关系的避免 Avoiding dual labor relations 4) 涉密人员的入职安排 The entry arrangements for classified staff 四、 外国人就业 The employment of expatriates 1. 外国人就业主要管理原则 The main management principles of expatriates employment 1) 鼓励与限制 Encourage and limitations 2) 机械管制与有条件变通 Mechanical control and conditional work 3) 国民待遇、超国民待遇与歧视待遇 National treatment, super-national treatment and discriminatory treatment 2. 外国人就业的雇佣模式 Employment patterns of expatriates employment 1) 本地雇佣 Local employment 2) 国外派遣 Overseas dispatch 3. 常见实务要点精析 Common practice refined analysis 1) 涉及外国人雇佣主体变更事宜的处理 The treatment of change of expatriates employment subjects related issues 2) 外国人薪酬结构 The C&B structure of expatriates 3) 任命及雇佣文件的潜在冲突 Potential conflicts of appointment and employment documents 五、 外包与派遣 Outsourcing and dispatch 1. 劳务外包 Labor Outsourcing 1) 所谓兼职与劳务工 The so-called part-time and service workers 2) 服务外包与劳务派遣的差别 The difference between outsourcing and labor dispatch 2. 劳动派遣 Labor dispatch 1) 劳务派遣的“长”与“短” The pros and cons of labor dispatch 2) 劳务派遣“三性” The “three nature” of labor dispatch 3) 劳务派遣员工劳动关系管理注意事项 Precautions of employment relationship management for dispatched employees
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